
Our Darkness.....

Through these city nightmares you'd walk with me
And we'd talk of it with idealistic assurance
That it wouldn't tear us apart
We'd keep our heads above the blackened water
But there's no room for ideals in this mechanical place
And you're gone now

Through a grimy window that I can't keep clean
Through billowing smoke that's swallowed the sun
You're nowhere to be seen

Do you think our desires still burn
I guess it was desires that tore us apart
There has to be passion
A passion for living, surviving
And that means detachment
Every-body has a weapon to fight you with
To beat you with when you are down
There were too many defence between us
Doubting all the time
Fearinf all the time
Doubting all the time
Fearinf all the time
That like these urban nightmares
We'd blacken each other skies

When we passed the subway we tried to ignore our fate there
Of written threats on endless walls
Unjustified crimes carried on stifled calls
Would you walk with me now through this pouring rain
It used to mingle with our tears then dry with the hopes
That we left behind
It rains even harder now

Anne Clark

5 σχόλια:

Παρατηρήτηριο Πυλαίας είπε...

Ένα απο τα αγαπημένα μου τραγούδια!
Πραγματική ποιηση τόσο οι στίχοι όσο και η μουσική..
Πολυ μπροστα απο την εποχή της..

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Μ'αρέσει η μαυρίλα. Ζήτω το φθινόπωρο μέσα στο καλοκαίρι! Μπότες, αδιάβροχα και ομπρελίτσες. Αλλιώς δε θα τη βγάλουμε καθαρή φέτος το καλοκαίρι.
Να μαζευτούμε λίγο στο σπιτάκι μας, να πλύνουμε καμιά κουρτίνα, ό,τι δεν κάναμε όλο το χειμώνα δηλαδή.
Το τραγούδι δεν το έχω ακούσει, αλλά με την πρώτη ευκαιρία θα το κάνω.

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Κι επειδή είναι σαν Απρίλιος, μου ήρθε η αρχή του Waste Land (T.S. Eliot): The Burial of the Dead.

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,
And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free.
I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.

geokalp είπε...

τι παιδιά έίμαστε;
το χειμώνα περιμένουμε το καλοκαίρι και το καλοκάιρι θέλουμε μαυρίλα...
ευτυχώς ο καιρός είναι μαζί μας!

Παρατηρήτηριο Πυλαίας είπε...

δεν σ'αρεσει το τραγουδι?